1. Convert gross scores to Adjusted Gross Scores
2. Calculate Handicap Differential for each score
3. Select the lowest Handicap Differentials
4. Average the lowest Handicap Differentials
5. Multiply the average Handicap Differential by 96%
6. Arrive at Handicap Index by truncating - deleting - the number(s) to the right of the tenths
7. Calculate League Handicap (we round this score...i.e. 7.49 become a handicap of 7...7.51 becomes a handicap of 8)
Step 1:
We have a league maximum score of double par. This establishes the Adjusted Gross Score for each golfer.
Step 2:
After each round, the golfer's score is used to calculate the Handicap Differential for the golfer for the round:
Handicap Differential = (Adjusted Gross Score - Course Rating) * 113 / Slope Rating
The Handicap Differential is rounded to the nearest tenth (i.e. 17.25 = 17.3, 11.34 = 11.3, etc.)
To simplify score keeping, the last 30 rounds of league golf are used to calculate the handicap. If you do not play for a given week, the score of 0 is not included in the handicap differentials, and will cause the handicap to be calculated based off one less score (i.e. if you had 20 scores and miss a week, the last 19 will be used...and the "oldest" score will be dropped off).
Step 3:
The lowest Handicap Differentials are selected according to the following table:
# of Differentials Available Differentials Used
Less than 6 Lowest 1 (differs from USGA rules)
7 or 8 Lowest 2
9 or 10 Lowest 3
11 or 12 Lowest 4
13 or 14 Lowest 5
15 or 16 Lowest 6
17 Lowest 7
18 Lowest 8
19 Lowest 9
20 Lowest 10
Step 4:
Calculate the average of the lowest handicap differentials according to the table in step 3.
Step 5:
Multiple the Average Handicap Differentials from step 4 by 0.96 or 96%.
Step 6:
Delete the digits after the tenths place for the number computed in step 5. The number is not rounded, but truncated.
Step 7:
Each player's League Handicap is calculated by rounding the number in step 6 to the nearest whole number (i.e. a 10.4 becomes a 10 handicap, a 11.5 becomes as 12 handicap.)
The maximum league handicap for 9 holes is 18. If your handicap computes to more than 18, it is set to 18.
This handicap is your league handicap for 9 holes. Your 18 hole handicap is 2 times this value.
Each league player will have a handicap calculated after each round of golf within league play.
If you are a new player to the league, your handicap will be 0 for the first round you play (unless you can provide witnessed score sheets for handicap calculation.)
Handicaps are calculated using the USGA-defined "portable handicap" method...with a twist. The USGA handicap method does not calculate a handicap until 5 rounds of golf are on record. As this would cause new players to be out of "point running" for the first 5 weeks of play, the NTMA Golf League Handicap is generated after the first round of play.
We play our round of golf at Seminole Lake Country Club. The handicap information for this course are as follows:
Course Rating: 34.1
Course Slope: 119
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